
Enhancing the application of good governance principles in LSGs

The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities started the implementation of the project "Enhancing the application of good governance principles in LSGs" within the Program "PRO - Local governance for people and nature", which is supported by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

The goal of the project "Enhancing the application of good governance principles in LSGs" is aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens through strengthening the rule of law, transparency, citizen participation, and administrative efficiency in selected local self-governments.

Through the project, direct technical support will be provided to 15 local self-governments in selected areas of good governance such as:

  • transparency and participation,
  • administrative efficiency, and
  • anti-corruption.

The project will be implemented in the period from October 25, 2023 to August 25, 2025.

Contact: Maja Stojanović Kerić, Project Manager (